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I'm Trying

de Kevin Sharp / pe Love Is / an 1998


(Darrell Scott/Tia Sillers)

She said I'm not pointing fingers

And he said yes you are

'Cause you wouldn't bring it up if you weren't

If I told you I'd been walking

Out in the dark night thinking

Would you take as truth this alcholoics word?

I can't change what's done is done

But I can tell you this

Not a day goes by that I don't curse myself and all my sins

And I need you to hold on to while this part of me is dying

Though I haven't kicked the demons that haunt me

I'm trying

I'm trying

She sat down on the floor

And said I wish I was stronger

Right now I feel fragile as glass

I want to believe you

Believe what's held you has freed you

And I hate these doubts that keep on coming back

My parents think I'm crazy for staying here this long

But there's nothing more I want for us than to prove to them they're wrong

I don't want to be afraid, I don't want to think you're lying

And though I haven't found the faith yet, that I need

I'm trying

Oh, I'm trying

He asked, do you want me to leave?

'Cause if you do, you know I will

But she said, much to his disbelief

No, I love you still

He said I don't know why I've been the fool

But I can tell you this

Not a day goes by that I don't curse myself and all my sins

Then he dropped down to his knees, by now they both were crying

Said, I haven't been the man I want to be

But, I'm trying

Oh,I'm trying

I'm trying

Oh Lord, I'm trying

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