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de KILLER MIKE / an -


Peace will never tame the hatrid of me

I'm too restricted, separated from your society..

I'm a new breed of species, a curse to lift that speak my name

I'm different twisted, my mind is not the same

For those who deny the truth, will seek to try and find it

you my friend are blinds of the truth for you are simple minded

My ways are called abnormal, they treath me as if forsaken

But all should feel the wrath just like when my heart was taken

And if these words fail to reach their ears and for limit their view

you won't know but when I stryke you'll wish that you've of knew...

This beast is on the loose, if you treasure life then destroy it

for it is too realistic for you to simply ignore it

I've given a fair warning now I've been well because I've cut it loose

a new terror walks the earth and now it's all up to you

If all hope shall fail then you should sit and ponder

your faith has been decided by one dangerous monstah...

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