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de Killradio / an -


Know you by waste, not by your face.

Not by introduction, not by handshake.

Not by the things that you own, but the things you dispose

It's not a case of theft, but a case of loan

Scavenger have you heard

Stifting through your trash well I'm gonna make it last

well, scavenger's survivors find a way

Still sticky fingers find sticky situations

but in the wake of swept rugs we all need assistance.

So now I'm living off the spoils of leftover generations

equipped with wit and long legs if I need them

to hold my ground but not be found

I'm quicker than the wind but half as

Scavenger have you heard, sifting through your trash

Still I'm gonna make it last well

Scavenger's survivors find a way

Scavenger have you heard

Sifting through your trash ,

Weell IÔÇÖm gonna make it last well

Scavenger survivors find a way

They find a way, they find a way, a way

Are you done give me some, Cause I'm fucking hungry

Don't need pride with an empty belly.

Got no shame cause I know we're all whores,

Trying to pull the hustle, just trying to pull the

Scavenger. have you heard

Sifting through your trash well

I'm gonna make it last well

Scavenger's survivors find a way

Scavenger have you heard

Sifting through your trash, well

I 'm gonna make it last well

Scavenger's survivors find a way

They find a way, they find a way.

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