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Old Flame

de Kimbra / pe Vows / an -0001


Old flame, it's always the old way

When did it get so damn cold

You're so seasonal

We flickered and swayed

Each time the winter soul came

I remember gold days

Under love's warm haze

Old flame, you're still the one that holds me

Can't you feel it burning

Can't you feel it burning still

Old flame, I fell for your inferno

Where did all the love go

Can't you feel the wind blow you closer to me

I went by your house today

When did you get so hollow

So closed, so overgrown

But I flicker and sway

Still dancing on the aftertaste

I remember gold days

Wrapped up in the warmth we made

Old flame, you're still the one that holds me

Can you feel it burning

Can you feel it burning still

Old flame, I fell for your inferno

Where did all the love go

Can't you feel the wind blow

Smoke skies, colors and cloud nines

Circles and straight lines and drowned eyes

(When there's something in the air)

From such heights, I fell into Fahrenheit

And time only fuels the desire

(When there's something in the air)

It's always the old way

When did it get so damn cold

You're so seasonal

Old flame, burning

Burning, burning still

Old flame, inferno

Where did all the love go

Someone's been sleeping downstairs

Someone's been sleeping downstairs

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