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Street life

de Konan / an -


She play a street life, couse theres no place she can go

Street life, is the only life she know

Street life, and theres a thousand cards to play

Street life, till you pray you like away

Tu nu vezi ca prea rapid trece timpul

Ai 20 de ani si nu ti-ai gasit locul

Iti doresti sa pleci undeva departe

Sa uiti de familia ta dar nu se poate

Ca toate te trag de la fapte (de la fapte)

Mai este timp pentru tine nu te da in spate

Ca fericirea va veni cand nu vei spera

Iar norocul te va gasi daca nu'l vei cauta

Da viata e frumoasa asta'i clar

Dar parca mai frumoasa e cand ai la tine inca un gram

Traieste clipa ca ea te tine in viata

Viitoru tuturor sta intr-un fir de ata

Poate fi schimbat radical in orice moment

Daca esti destept poti deveni un prost dement

In tara noastra orice e posibil

Si tot ce este sigur cu siguranta e pasibil


She plays a street life, couse theres no place she can go

street life, is the only life she know

Street life, and theres a thousand cards to play

Street life, till you pray you like away

Viata ta, e la capat de drum

Imi spui asta zilnic, eu spun ca n-ai cum

Drumul tau a trecut prin foc si razboi

Prin noroi si bariere puse de vulpoi

Si poate te scapi intr-o noapte

Si, toata teoria din cap, va fi pusa in fapte

Fara pacate visul e tot mai aproape

Lasa mintea sa gandeasca ca va face doar dreptate

You let the people see

Just who you wanna be

And every night you shine

Just like a superstar

The type of life that's played

A temptin' masquerade

You dress you walk you talk

You're who you think you are


She play a street life, couse theres no place she can go (no place she can go)

street life, is the only life she know

Street life, and theres a thousand cards to play

Street life, till you pray you like away

come on come like a come on

tell me one more time time tïme..

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