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Dirty Luv

de La Guns / an -


Come on everybody I'm back in town

Gonna bring you up, gonna shake you down

Gonna set you up to another place

Gonna wipe that smile back on your face

I'm calling all the home girls in L.A.

I've got some thing good, gonna come your way

All the fine girls from old Times Square

I love your style and savour faire

Don't want your conversation

Don't want to talk about trust

I want excitation

I want your Dirty Luv

Dirty Luv

Come on little baby I love your stuff

I'd die 4 U, Can't get enough

I'm a back door lover in a limousine

I'll show you streets you've never seen

I'll do you baby

Do you good

On the trunk and on the hood

Take it faster, take it faster

Call me slave or call me master

Don't want conversation

Or the stars above

Just gimme some stimulation

and a slice of your Dirty Luv

Dirty Luv

I'm watchin' you

Dirty Luv

Oh come on baby

Come on love

My sweet baby got the stuff

Don't want your complications

Or the stars above

Just gimme some stimulation

I want a slice of your Dirty Luv

Dirty Luv

I'm watchin' you

Dirty Luv

Dirty Luv

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