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Bimbo (Video)

de Lambretta / pe Lambretta / an 2002


Who's she blowing kisses from the catwalk

Tell me, I really gotta know

Since when did you need another girlfriend

Since when, I really gotta know

I really gotta know

She's been faking since day one

A friendly kiss includes no tongue

Who's she, tell me

Now she's sleeping in my bed

Oh God I wish that she was dead

I need to know

Who's that bimbo

Who's she looking goofy in a Gucci dress

What's that, I really gotta know

Which bone in her body should I break first

Which one, the bimbo's gotta go

The bimbo's gotta go

She's been faking since day one

A friendly kiss includes no tongue

Who's she, tell me

Now she's sleeping in my bed

Oh God I wish that she was dead

I need to know

Who's that bimbo

I know it's sad

Sometimes I just lose my head

Boy I'm getting so mad

I know it's sad

Sometimes I just lose my head

I know it's sad

Sometimes I just lose my head

Boy I'm getting so mad

I know itīs sad

Sometimes I just lose my head

She's been faking since day one

A friendly kiss includes no tongue

Who's she, tell me

Now she's sleeping in my bed

Oh God I wish that she was dead

I need to know

She's been faking since day one

A friendly kiss includes no tongue

Who's she, tell me

Now she's sleeping in my bed

Oh God I wish that she was dead

I need to know

Now she's sleeping in my bed

Oh God I wish that she was dead

I need to know

Who's that bimbo

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