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de Lasgo / an -


Now I still wonder why did you say goodbye
You let me stand here all alone
The pain inside my heart, it's tearing me apart
Cause now I stand here on my own

But now I cry myself to sleep
Only you are what I need
We can make it if we try
I am nowhere without you
I don't know what I should do
Cause my tears will never dry
And I still wonder why

I hope that you will see how much you mean to me
I don't understand why you have gone
The pain inside my heart, it's tearing me apart
Cause now I stand here on my own

But now I cry myself to sleep
Only you are what I need
We can make it if we try
I am nowhere without you
I don't know what I should do
Cause my tears will never dry
And I still wonder why

It's like the flowers and the bees
Like the mountains and the trees
The love I feel for you baby
Like the desert needs the rain
It will always feel the same
The love I feel for you baby

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