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Faithless Living


So what's the point when

I look around and still feel nothing

Don't say you never saw misery coming

There's only so much I can take

Before my body begins to bend and break

Do you feel agony?

I don't know what I believe

Why does it matter to you?

When will you let me be?

I think I've lost my faith

And I know something in me changed

I've never had a chance to speak for myself

Why was I left here searching for something else?

I've never found a place that I could call my home

So far away from what I've known

So far away from what I've known

So what's the point when

I still don't know why I was put here in the first place

Why is this happening?

Something's changed

I've lost my faith

We were born into a life of hate

I hate everything about the way you look at me

I hate everything you say and everything you believe

All of this pointless living

Began to ruin you

I hate the person you've become

And what you put me through

I've never had a chance to speak for myself

Why was I left here searching for something else?

I've never found a place that I could call my home

So far away from what I've known

I've never found a place that I could call my home

So far away from what I've known

I've never found a place that I could call my home

So far away from what I've known

I've never found a place that I could call my home

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