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de Lil Niqo / an -


Tell me in the eyes that's what all remember

My hit to beat you Miami when it's warm in December

I hang with the best... is a winners

The life of a star this is a... agenda

Living when you around hate it when I'm not with it

If the things don't believe it I'll put it on my Twitter

Reminiscent but the snow fights in the...

Staying up they do not... at this... in the road

Thought you don't like when I go

I love you smile when I return

This get time and now we on

We're living and we lie girl

That it was stucking and slow

I will give you my jacket then my... to express my love


You're all that I need yeah

Ain't no other place I'd rather be yeah

You might say that I'm too young and in love love

And you see love and every time I...

So it's so winters cold and so winter cold

It's so cold and... so real

It's so cold and... so cold like the...

... whenever we spend in time apart

Get you the frontest up different designers scars

He's been a great ride

And I ain't try to pop plus I'm your GPS

Wheneevr your mind is lost

Is coming talk when you're missing 'cause you're my sunshine

We keep it real for each other no need for punch lines

Girl you hide enough to start a fighting when you...

Remember I ain't kind you been... I'll be simple

Or maybe shuck you... even people be together

Do any take the weather but however

If we be stucking them storm

I would give you my jacket and my gloves to express my love

[2 x Chorus:]

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