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Colors Faded

de Lost Autumn / an -


My days fly by in black and white

The colors faded over time

My days fly by in black and white

The colors faded over time

Can you tell me why it's gone?

Can you tell me why it's gone?

I know why I've hardened over time

But I don't know how to unbind the effect of time

I've seen all color fade from life

One pigment at a time

I've seen all colors drained from our lives

One pigment at a time

Can you tell me why it's gone?

Can you tell me why it's gone?

I know why I've hardened over time

But I don't know how to unbind the effect of time

And I know this life can never be the same

And I know the ones we've lost can never be replaced

Can never be replaced

My days fly by in black and white

The colors faded over time

Well I can feel it fade away

In front of me

My days fly by in black and white

The colors faded over time

Well I can feel it fade away

In front of me

Can you tell me why it's gone?

Can you tell me why

Can you tell me why

Can you tell me why it's gone?

Can you tell me why it's gone?

I know why I've hardened over time

But I don't know how to unbind the effect of time

But I know this life can never be the same

And I know the ones we've lost can never be replaced

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