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de Lost Signal / an -


Yesterday is gone

Tomorrow seems too empty

Time keeps passing by

Passing me too quickly

Afraid of what I feel

Afraid of moving forward

I turn towards the sky

And watch it tumble downwards

All my life to live

The reasons all escape me

Nothing can suffice

All I know is misery

Afraid of what I feel

Afraid of moving forward

Lies surrounding lies

Life without a purpose

So close to giving up

Can't help but wonder why

On the verge of letting go

I'm so empty deep inside

And I am all alone

No one hears me screaming

So far away from home

And I am frozen through

I feel I'm shutting down

Outlook growing cold

My senses burning out

And finally I go numb

Afraid of what I feel

Afraid of moving forward

The heartache and the pain

Will bleed me dry again

So close to giving up

Can't help but wonder why

On the verge of letting go

I'm so empty deep inside

And I am all alone

No one hears me screaming

So far away from home

And I am frozen through

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