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Turkish Revelry


There was a little ship

And she sailed on the sea

And the name of the ship was the Turkish Revelry

She sailed down in that lonely lonesome water

She sailed on the lonesome sea

Up stepped a little sailor

Saying what will you give to me

To sink that ship to the bottom of the sea

If I sink her in the lonely lonesome water

If I sink her in the lonesome sea

I have a house

And I have some land

And I have a daughter that shall be at your command

If you sink her in the lonely lonesome water

If you sink her in the lonesome sea

He bowed on his breast

And away swam he

And he swam till he came to the Turkish Revelry

She sailed down on that lonely lonesome water

She sailed in the lonesome sea

He had a little awe

All made for to bore

And he bored nine holes in the bottom of the floor

And he sink her in the lonely lonesome water

He sink her in the lonesome sea

He bowed on his breast

Away swam he

And he swam till he cam to the Golden Willow Tree

As she sailed in the lonely lonesome water

As she sailed in the lonesome sea

Captian o' captian

Will you be good as your word

Or either take me up on board

For I've sunk her in that lonely lonesome water

I've sunk he in the lonesome sea

No I won't be

As good as my word

Or neither will I take you up on board

Though you've sunk her in that lonely lonesome water

Though you've sunk he in the lonesome sea

If it were not for

The love I bear your men

I would sink you the same just as I sank them

I'd sink you in that lonely lonesome water

Yes I'd sink you in the lonely sea

He bowed on his breast

And downward sunk he

Bidding a farewell to the Golden Willow Tree

He sunk in that lonely lonesome water

He sunk in the lonely sea

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