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de Lucas Carpenter / pe Evolution/Mystery / an -0001


Dear God,

I saw you in a tumbleweed just the other day

But not in the kind of way

Like people see Jesus burnt onto a piece of toast and scream

It was more of a subtlety you see

Cause the tumbleweed knows to grow itself into a ball

Die, dry up, snap off, and roll across the ground

All to spread it's seed

What a smart little tumbleweed

That's one smart little tumbleweed

A little bit of evolution, a little bit of mystery

Cause how does it know what to do?

I think it's you

I think it's you

I think it's you

Dear God,

Well who would've thought that driving across the Lone Star State

Would start to give me faith

In things that I never found sitting around bitching 'bout

The 10 things you hate about us

'Cause somewhere your message got lost

In pocketbooks and political views

If I'm pro-this, then I'm anti-you

Well I found what I believe

I believe in that tumbleweed

That smart little tumbleweed

A little bit of evolution, a little bit of mystery

Cause something's missing from the church pews

I think it's you

I think it's you

I think it's you

So many miracles are hard to explain, we can't explain

Like fingerprints and Love

Stevie Wonder and lightening bugs

Fingerprints and Love

Stevie Wonder and lightening bugs

Where did they come from?

I think it's you

I think it's you

I think it's you

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