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God is good!

Ghettos, America. U.S. to the izzay

Killa in the citywide sprizzay

Where there's sunshine in the shizzade

Church won't pull him out the pan like a cremate

For acting out their fears like a charade

Til they blackin out their tears like it's lights out

Bring em out the black like a lighthouse

And wave to em before they wiped out

Lifesave, threw em, hope they catch it

But it's so Titanic to be iced out

That's just scratching the surface like triple axels

Want to roll around that Bentley like crystal castles

In addition to the chain

That's just to take the attention from the pain

Or is it the mission of the man

Audubon Ballroom, Motel Lorraine


Now white people, they can't say nigga

So I gotta take it back

Now black people, we're not niggas

God made us better than that

No break, all wake

Little mayhem for your all-state [they? all state?]

Get a good ball great like a golf grade

Make the ball break

Just one swing, no putting, sidetrack

? always

Especially when you pass it

Martin, Baldwin, Audubon Ballroom

Turn the glass ceiling to a glass floor

Make a trampoline out of trapdoor

On that gasoline when I was back poor

Now they crafted out my dream underneath a tap floor

Backpack battle-cat underground rap lore

Anonymous but dominant what's a Mac to a hacker

In other words, lyrical Zuckerbergs

Pimp you may move a mouse but what's a rat to a cat star?

It's like a gig to a? storm

A rap black history

You can only see my past if you fast forward


Black Panthers, black anthems, black blues

With black answers for black stanzas: Langston Hughes

Breaking rules, ain't it cool?

Took it old, and made it new

Black painters, musical black anger

Black mothers, beautiful black anchors

So lets hear it for 'em! Let's hear it for 'em!

Black America! Trap America! Rap America! 80s babies

From the era of family tearing up

But we just won big, can't be undid

Form a whole culture in just one kid

Miami dope boys open militants

Harlem Rennaissance inside [deliverance?]


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