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de Lupe Fiasco / pe Friend Of The People / an -0001


We have to stop wars, we have to stop this war

And we have to get out the habit of war

It's more than a habit, it's an addiction

We have to get out of thinking that we must be a military superpower

We must get out of thinking that we must have military bases, as we have in a hundred countries

Is it possible that having military bases in a hundred countries arouses a lot of antagonism?

Is it possible that it promotes terrorism when your soldiers and your sailors are all over the world, occupying this country and that? is it possible?

Why do we have to be a military superpower?

Why can't we be a humanitarian superpower?

Instead of sending planes for bombs

Why don't we send planes for food and medicine?

Oh shit, it's one of the machines

Looks like it's trapped under something, it's broken or something

Hold on lemme get my keyboard, I can re-program this thing

No seriously, I can do it -- just give me a second!

I swear to god I can do this, man, I can do this!

You have to work!

Reprogramming unsuccessful

I kill people

All right, this is the last time

Reprogramming successful


Fight... evil...

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