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Spirit (Live)

de Magnum / pe Vintage Magnum / an 2002


Don't place your trust in foolish promises sworn

Nor cryptic message scrawled upon every wall

Street corner justice beware

The spirit will find you, always be fair

The shallow verse once read means nothing at all

Nor fearful gestures made for instant recall

In lies your heart will not share

The spirit inside you used without care

The spirit that guides you, follow it through

To the spirit inside you always be true

You know you'll despair

If the spirit inside is used without care

The battlefield of glory pales into rust

The river flows much thicker fed by each thrust

No beast alive does compare

The spirit beside you everywhere

Let not your head be turned by tainted reward

And dreams of fortune won forever to hoard

Your conscience could not repair

The spirit inside you used without care

'Cause it will be your shelter, help you how to decide

And it will be your helper should your loyalties divide

The spirit that guides you, follow it through

To the spirit inside you always be true

You know you'll despair

If the spirit inside you is used without care

The ash of pages swept before the cruel wind

The loss of choices; praises no-one will sing

No clues to how you will fare

The spirit implores you tread where you dare

The dust lies thick on casket rich or quite poor

Distinction disappears, the worm both deplore

The candle burns out once more

But the spirit inside you won't be ignored

The spirit that guides you, follow it through

To the spirit inside you always be true

You know you'll despair

If the spirit inside you is used without care

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