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de Mercyful Fate / pe Dead Again / an 1998


I heard it... in my sleep last night

I heard it... in your sleep last night

Now I can hear it again, outside the night is sad

I know its not the wind, outside the night is black

Under our window is the banshee

Wailing its haunted tune

Under out window is the banshee

Waitling its haunted tune too soon

I know that, I must tell you a lie

I know that, it could be you and not i

Before the sun is rising, the banshee cannot stay

Before the night is dying, a life will slip away

Under our window is the banshee

Wailing its haunted tune

Under out window is the banshee

Waitling its haunted tune too soon

I must light a fire, to chase away the night

Let us hold each other tight

The cats are gone, I guess... they know

Oh... they know whats gonna come

Solo: wead

The wailing is so much louder, I need to hold you tight

I can feel you getting colder, is it time for you or i?

Solo: shermann-wead

Under our window is the banshee

Wailing its haunted tune

Under out window is the banshee

Waitling its haunted tune too soon

Let it be me

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