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de Mercyful Fate / an -


(music: denner/lyrics: diamond)

"lie down in your dead little baby

You know its getting late

Listen to this deadtime story

And hold on to your head"

And its wasy past her deadtime...the night has just died

Little blood red riding hood was passing through the woods

A basket full of poisoned fruit

Shes absolutely way to cute

And its way past her deadtime...the night has just died

Good old nick is in her blood and it makes me feel so hot

Devil eyes, thats no surprise, shes colder than ice

The werewolf is hiding with its yellow glowing eyes

Drooling for some baby blood, hes jumping in the night

And he knows where red is riding

He knows here grandma well

That big bad werewolfs got it down, he cannot fail

And its way past her deadtime...the night has just died

Solo: denner

Grandmas waiting in here dead for sweetest little red

When she ate the werewolfs head, you could not even tell

There is no way out

There is no way out for sweetest little riding hood

cause granny wont be full

Until red is dead and gone...bye, bye

Solo: shermann

And its way past her deadtime...the night has just died

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