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de Mercyful Fate / pe Dead Again / an 1998


Poisonous Mandrake, you dangerous root

One of the three fares, when a man's time has come

You look so human, so dufferent from any other plant

You look so human, that the Devil might take you for a man

White Mandragora, with your root so thick you are the male

Black as the night on the outside, inside you're like a moon

You look so human, so dufferent from any other plant

You look so human, that the Devil might take you for a man

Your leaves spread close to the ground

Mandrake root, your berries aer just like the sun

Mandrake root, as a female your root will forked

Your juice has been known, to take aeay lives

Cause I losing my mind?

In the olden days it was believed

That in the dark of night, you had to

Tie a string from the neck of a

Black dog to the Mandrake root, then move away, move away

And with meat you must lure the dog

To pull the Mandrake root from the ground

Cover your eyes...cause the cry of the Mandrake root

No man has ever survived, the dog will surely die

Poisonous Mandrake, you dangerous root

One of the three fares, when a man's time has come

You look so human, so dufferent from any other plant

You look so human, that the Devil might take you for a man

Your leaves spread close to the ground

Mandrake root, your berries aer just like the sun

Mandrake root, as a female your root will be forked

Your juice has been known, to take aeay lives

Cause I losing my mind?

Mandrake root, bring me your poisonous love

Mandrake root, I need you to bring me that love

Mandrake root...Mandrake root bring me love

Mamdrake root, bring me that poisonous thing

That everyone is colling LOVE

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