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de Motion City Soundtrack / pe Go / an 2003


Hey Box Elder, where'd you go?

Hey Box Elder, take me with you

Loneliness, I don't exist, that's fine, okay

I slip undressed and all of this will end, okay?

Hey Box Elder, I'm terrified of everything at night

Hey Box Elder, I'm terrified of what I lack inside me

Caught me talking to myself again

One by one, we all go marching in

I hate myself and no one else

But I lie so well, it should never tell

If I let you in, it would end us both

I care too much to leave this hole

Loneliness, I don't exist, that's fine, okay

December's gift, a constant fist to spine, okay

I'm terrified of everything at night

Hey Box Elder

A dying wish to care if I exist

Hey Box Elder

Caught me talking to myself again

One by one, we all go marching in

I hate myself and no one else

But I lie so well, it should never tell

If I let you in, it would end us both

I care too much to leave this hole

When loneliness comes crashing in

I will always sink, I'll never swim

It's the game I play, it's the course I curse

The constant captive of my words

When I'm at my worst

Hey Box Elder, take me with you

Hey Box Elder, take me with you

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