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de Motorpsycho / an -


I will shine if you give me a chance

I can act, sing and dance

I will be whatever you want me to be

If you only let me...

All the dust makes the void go away

Merely a small price to pay

Under lights it is so much more real

Than the way it sometimes feels

It's so quiet when everyone's gone home

And you're left there on your own

And the world is too vague to fully grasp

So gorgeous, but out of focus

So kick my ass if I burn in my dreams

Put me back in my place

But I bet that when it's all said and done

You can still recall my face

When everyone's gone home

And you're left there on your own

And the world is too vague to fully grasp

So gorgeous...

It's so quiet when everyone's gone home

And you're left there on your own

And the world is too vague to fully grasp

So gorgeous, but out of focus

Enormous and so gorgeous

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