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de Motorpsycho / an -


I am here to guide you, plant the thought inside you

Here to feed you lines up on stage

I am here to school you, feed your head and fool you

Be your teacher, guru and sage

You want the truth, I'll give you mine

Good, good omens, secret signs

And every time you try to steal away like you do,

I'll be there to rattle your cage

Call me rattlesnake

I'm the rattlesnake

Call me rattlesnake

I'll decide your fate...

Your fathers have all wooed me, thinking they could own me

I was always there by their side

Wherever there's ambition, hunger with a mission

I always come along for the ride

Plenty are the shapes I choose

I always play but never lose

I only need an inch to take a solid mile

And watch you grind your teeth when you smile

Call me rattlesnake

I'm the rattlesnake

Call me rattlesnake

I'll decide your fate

Call me rattlesnake

I'm the rattlesnake

Call me rattlesnake

I'll decide your fate...

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