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Low Life


You said you came

From a train

Your dreams are wild

You're still a child

You said the streets were paved with gold

But you're the one that's bought and sold

All your friends meet nasty ends you say

Girls are working hard all day

To get a drink (trick?) or two

The boys are hustling away

As their protectors do

You said the streets were paved with gold

But you're the one that's bought and sold

All your friends meet nasty ends you say

Low life

Low life

Low life

Low life

You said you came

From a train

Your dreams are wild

You're still a child

You said the streets were paved with gold

But you're the one that's bought and sold

All your friends meet nasty ends you say

Low life

Low life

Low life

Low life

Low life (The girls are working hard all day)

Low life (to get a drink or two)

Low life (The boys are hustling away)

Low life (As their protectors do)

Low life (The girls are working hard all day)

Low life (to get a drink or two)

Low life (The boys are hustling away)

Low life (As their protectors do)

Low life (The girls are working hard all day)

Low life (to get a drink or two)

Low life (The boys are hustling away)

Low life (As their protectors do)

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