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de Neil Young / an -


Someone wants to blow up the planet

Johnny wants to find out why

Johnny did a show in St. Louis

Love came through the sky.

Oh yeah, they were camped out,

Waiting for the sun to rise

Oh yeah, Johnny sang out

Love into the sky.

Johnny found a place out in Texas

Waiting for him to come

Made himself a reservation

And hope came, in the gun.

Oh yeah, he was flying,

Waiting for the sun to rise

Oh yeah, color by numbers

Waiting for the sun to rise.

Johnny did some time in the army

Johnny did a stint in Vietnam.

Now he can't forget it,

His mind is confused,

slipping from his twisted hand.

Oh yeah, he's still back there

With one hand on the gun

Oh yeah, he's still back there

Waiting for the rising sun.

Now Johnny

likes to go down the highway

The wind singing in his ears

Right up as

most things go whirring by

By day everything looks clear.

Oh yeah, Johnny ride on

Gonna find a special home

Oh yeah, down the highway

Looking for the rising sun.

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