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Grief Came Riding

de Nick Cave / an -


A grief came riding

On the wind

Up the sun on river Thames

I was sittin' on the bank with my mouth open

When I felt it entering

I began thinkin' about our wedding day

And how love was a vow

I was thinkin' about the chamber door

Only we can enter now

I began thinkin' about our ancient friends

And of kissin' them goodbye

And then the wind blew under Battersea bridge

And a tear broke from my eye

I started thinkin' about London

And nothing good ever came from this town

and if the Thames weren't so filthy

I would jump in the river and drown

Don't be afraid

Come on down

I'm just sittin' here

And thinking of love

A grief came riding

On the wind

Up the river where the bridges crouch

Blowin' people back and fall

From the marital bed to the psychiatric couch

Blowin' people far apart

Blowin' others so they collide

Blowin' some poor bastard right out of the water

blowin' another one over the side

Hear the ancient iron bridge

And listen to it groan

with the weight of a thousand people

Leavin' or returning home

To their failures

To their bordoms

To their husbands

And their wife's

who are carving them up for dinner

before they even arrive

Don't be afraid

Come on down

I'm just sittin' here

And thinkin' of love

And look they just blow the water

See the saviour of the human race

Where the fishes and the frogs

Has found his final resting place

Don't be afraid

Come on down

I'm just sittin' here

Thinkin' of love

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