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Love Letter

de Nick Cave / an -


l hold d this letter in my hand

A plea of petition, a kind of prayer

I hope it does as I have planned

Losing her again is more than I can bear

I kiss the cold white envelope

Press my lips against her name

Two hundred words, we live in hope

The sky hangs heavy with rain

Love letter, love letter

Go get her, go get her

Love letter, love letter

Go tell her, go tell her

A wicked wind whips up the hill

Hand full of hopeful words

I love her and I always will

The sky is ready to burst

Said something I did not mean to say

Said something I did not mean to say

Said something I did not mean to say

It all came out the wrong way

Love letter, love letter

Go get her, go get her

Love letter, love letter

Go tell her, go tell her

Rain your kisses down upon me

Rain your kisses down in storms

For all will come before me

In your thin and fading forms

Out of my mind

Will leave me standing in the rain

With a letter and a prayer

Whispered on the wind

Come back to me

Come back to me

Oh, baby, please come back to me

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