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de Ninety Pound Wuss / an -


we were in Shelton once, using the restroom at a gas station.

yeah, so we're there.

we're waiting outside it.

and ummm these guys in this big truck pulled up and they said,

they said, "you boys are in Shelton... so beware!"

well, you tell me that you can't do it.

i tell you Christ can.

you say you've seen too much.

i know Christ has seen more, man.

i'm not better than anybody else.

i never said i was.

i'm not better than anybody else.

maybe its just a bit, bit better off.

maybe its just a bit, bit, bit, better off.

maybe its just a bit, bit better off.

maybe its just a bit better off.

so keep trying.

perserverance builds character.


proven action builds character.

i'm not better than anybody else.

i never said i was.

i'm not better than anybody else.

maybe its just a bit, bit better off.

i'm not better than anybody else.

i never said i was.

i'm not better than anybody else.

maybe its just a bit, bit better off.

maybe its just a bit, bit, bit, better off.

maybe its just a bit, bit better off.

maybe just a bit, bit, bit better off.

maybe its just a bit better off.

so keep trying.

perserverance builds character.


proven action builds character.

you tell me that you can't do it.

i tell you Christ can.

you say you've seen too much.

i know Christ has seen more, man.

so keep trying.

perserverance builds character.


proven action builds character.

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