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de Oasis / an -


The people will notice

That the times are changing

It's just time for now

But not time for good it's my feelings

That I think you're training

Take them now

If you think you should

You want something for nothing

The higher that you climb

The longer you fall

Maybe your time is coming

Will you ask to climb

When you find the wall

Is it time to doubt?

Is it time to wait?

Will you be left alone

At the starting gate

I'm not blind

And I do mind

Coz I've had time

now I'm alive

The people have noticed

That the times are changing

But are they gonna

Be something now I think I've seen you

All hesitating I think I'll go

And be something now

You want something for nothing

The higher that you climb

The longer you fall

Maybe your time is coming

Will you ask to climb

When you find the wall

Is it time to doubt?

Is it time to wait?

Will you be left alone

At the starting gate

I'm not blind

And I do mind

Coz I've had time

Now I'm alive

Yeah I'm alive

Now I'm alive

Yeah I'm alive

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