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Full On

de Oasis / pe Sunday Morning Call / an 2000


I hear my heart beatin faster

I feel it in my bones

I want it now 'cos I have ta

But why, no-one knows

I'm like the angel on the A train

My eyes are diamond white

From the cradle till your insane

For life you have to fight

But no-one knows why there's a spirit in the sky, there's escape for someone

He will understand, while I take him by the hand, why life's time tunnel is long

And it will be alright

If you stay tonight

It's where we both belong

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

I hear my heart beatin faster

I feel it in my bones

I want it now 'cos I have ta

But why, no-one knows

I'm like the angel on the A train

My eyes are diamond white

From the cradle till your insane

For life you have to fight

But no-one knows why there's a spirit in the sky, there's escape for someone

He will understand, while I take him by the hand, why life's time tunnel is long

And it will be alright

If you stay tonight

It's where we both belong

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be alright

You're gonna stay tonight

It's where we both belong

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

It's gonna be full on

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