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INFO - 14 YEARS [*]

14 Years [*]


And I will walk with you hand and hand in pride

Hand and hand to where the demons lie

I don't want to hide

Fourteen steps two doors

But to wake some dogs we must first make some noise

I don't want to hide

Now I see a king and not a gravestone

I still see you there in a red room

The walls didn't hide the roars

And still I still and still I still

And I will walk this land with my head held high

All roads lead to home,

home is were is where I'll die

I don't want to hide

I don't wa nt to hide

Now I see a king and not a gravestone

Fourteen steps two doors

The walls didn't hide the roars

And still I still and still I still

I still see you there in a red room

Fourteen years, fourteen years

Fourteen fucking years Now look at me look at me

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