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Remember Me

de OTIS REDDING / pe Remember Me / an 1999


Remember me

Don't you forget me, child

We are all only here

Just for a little while

Do you remember the girl?

The girl that you were dating

Keep all your [Incomprehensible]

And then you walked away

Oh yes, he did now

Oh yes, he did

You remember when you were sick

You were cripple and you were lame

I stood by your bed time till you

Were on your feet again

Oh yes, I did now

Oh yes, I did

Oh, somewhere oh down the line

You are gonna see this little heart of mine

Is so large, so wonderful, so true

Oh now, somewhere

Brighter days you're gonna see

What a big mistake that you made

I said I'm a begging you

I said I'm a begging you

I said I'm pleading, pleading, pleading

Remember me

Don't you forget me, child

We are all only here

Just for a little while

Oh yes, we're here now, oh yes, we're here

I need a little of your love everyday

I need you to sit and to talk to me right now

Every second, every minute, every hour of the day

I need you to hold my little trembling hand

I need you to just stand right by

Oh, my, my, my

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