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Same ol' story

de Patrice / an -


Better wake up

You wanna be in heaven or your living in hell

Remenber how it all began you and me against the world

Just a guitar and a drum and all vday long we would rehearse

That's way before the coke the

selfishness the greed

The may load is the heviest,so I must look out for me

Way before the days of low self-esteem

You see some people are and some people seem

So they do anything to maintain what they want people to see

By any means,they bow it's that slave mentality

Those days of innocence are in a sense

What makes me keep the peace

See we were friends si I keep my demons on the leash

Refren: x2

It's the same ol'story

Just another song

It's the same ol' beat

Just another drum

It's the same ol' tune

Recycled and redone

Where did it get us

Look where we end up now

You wanna be in heaven now you're living in hell

You wanna be in heaven now you're living hell

You just don't wish nobody well

You're fattest crab in the barell

You drag anybody down who's reaching up to make it out

But now you're held captive by what you created for yourself

Incarcerated in cell made of hatred for yourslef

And I can't help but hold unto the love that once was felt

And I will not fight back seems like you forgot

It was under my roof that you dwell,you eat,you sleep

But now you fell like lucifer so deep and tell

Refren: x2

Love yourself no

You wanna be in heaven now you're living in hell

You wanna be in heaven now you're living in hell

So you can get up lift your head up

Stop the talk and get your shit together

Look in the mirror what you see

Is that the man you used to be

You better wake up you better rise

Lyvely up and pay the prïce

Got to get up

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