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Strong Heart

de Patty Loveless / pe Strong Heart / an 2000


Everybody's had the blues

Days when it comes undone

This really shouldn't bother me

I know I'm not the only one

To break down and cry

I don't know why it has to be so hard

I could've left this road I'm on

Turned around a thousand times

Surrendered to the great unknown

Give up and leave it all behind

But this is my dream

My life and everything I've prayed for

It takes a strong heart

To see love through

It takes a lot of faith

More than I ever knew

To cry and never let it show

To hold on tight and not let go

It takes a strong heart

A strong heart and you

I keep it hidden deep inside

It's just a phase im going thru

I show the world a pretty face

But I'm not really foolin you

'Cause you know how I feel

You know how to heal

This wounded pride

It takes a strong heart

To see love through

It takes a lot of faith

More than I ever knew

To cry and never let it show

To hold on tight and not let go

It takes a strong heart

A strong heart and you

I don't know what I'd do without you

I couldn't do this alone

You give me faith and hope

And the courage to carry on and on and on

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