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Just For Money


Glasgow station; the Royal Mail train is loaded with over two

And a half million pounds. That's more money than most people

Can dream of. But then

some people have big dreams.

What if we get caught? - 'Course we won't! - But say we do? -

Don't worry

just think about the money

imagine what you can do with it.

This is the last job I'm gonna do. I'm in for this one

then I'm out.

It's a life of luxury

my son. -

I'm off to Spain and that's it. -

Go to Spain

this is gonna be the crime of the century!

Some are willing to murder for a night out on the town.

Others hang around you when there's lots of it around.

But worst of all are people who really have no need

They do it for these reasons

in spite and out of greed

just for money.

Valentine's Day - red roses -

it's said that some have died for love.

In North Clark Street


they died for money - died for money.

Cops always line you up with your nose in the bricks

they'll expect that.

Once their backs are turned

we'll just pepper the wall with them. -

You got the cops? - Couple of guys from out of town.

I've used 'em before.

They're clean

don't worry. Hey

I'm payin' you

worry ! -

It's gonna be a messy business. - Our business

their mess. -

You know

it's Valentine's Day


You want I should leave a message? -


it's a good day to die.

Some are willing to murder for a night out on the town. . ..


think about the money! - It's a life of luxury

my son. -

Money - it's a life of luxury - think about the money

Two or three hundred thousand pounds -

Think about the money

imagine what you can do with it -

Fifty million dollars a year - imagine what you can do with it.

Some are willing to murder for a night out on the town. . . .

This is gonna be the crime of the century -

Two and a half million pounds - just for money -

This is gonna be the crime of the century -

More money than you would ever dream of - just for money -

Don't worry

just think about the money -

I'm in for this one

then I'm out -

imagine what you can do with it -

Just for money - this is gonna be the crime of the century -

I'm in for this one

then I'm out -

just think about the money -

Just for money - I'm gonna buy a roller -

Just don't mess it up

or the only place you'll be going is the Scrubs

The Scrubs

the Scrubs - just for money -

I'm going to South America

sit in a bar and drink champagne

Don't mess it up

or the only bars you'll be seeing 'll be on your window

Just for money - this is gonna be the crime of the century!

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