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Just Today

de Pip / an -


Woke up this morning in a strangers bed

Poured myself a pot of coffee and scratched my head

Lately everything's been such a blur

My wants are no longer the same as they were

No direction,

Safe chasing perfection

Am I getting there?

Feeling restless,

Don't know how to address this

Am I on my way?

Cause life is unexplainable

Change is unavoidable

I'm not the same man I was yesterday

There's no predicting what comes with tomorrow

And so, I'll say

Today's just today

Woah, today is just today

Don't know where tonight I'll rest my head

But I'm not waiting to be told or lead

Don't know who I'll meet or where I'll go

Seems the only thing I know is

Life is unexplainable

Change is unavoidable

I'm not the same man I was yesterday

There's no predicting what comes with tomorrow

And so, I'll say

Today's just today


Today is just today

Familiar people, the home that you knew

Become more strange than the stranger right next to you

Yet though the sun rises different in each city

It's still the same sun as before

Isn't it?

Life is unexplainable

Change is unavoidable

I'm not the same man I was yesterday

There's no predicting what comes with tomorrow

And so, I'll say

Today's just today

Oh Today's just today

No direction

Safe chasing perfection

But I'm getting there

Feeling restless

I've come to accept this

I'm on my way

Cause life is unexplainable

Change is unavoidable

I'm not the same man I was yesterday

There's no predicting what comes with tomorrow

And so, I'll say

Today's just today

Woah yeah

Today's just today is just today is just today

Today's just today

Yeah, Today's just today

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