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For You

de Radio Iodine / an -


I could travel to New York City

Dress in black and slump around the village

Pierce my flesh with jewels and needles

Turn my black hair white or whatever

I could hang with the mod and the junkie

Sleep all day and run out of money

Put my faith in God or the Beatles

Turn my black hair

Whatever I needed[ whatever I needed ]

Whatever I needed[ whatever I needed ]

I'd still be the same to you

My heart would remain for you

I could inject my anger like venom

Seek revenge then slowly drown in it

Pierce my head with weed or religion

Turn my black thoughts white or whatever

I could think about all I'm missing

Lift my head and see what I can take in

Put my fears away with a ribbon

Turn my white thoughts

Whatever I needed[ whatever I needed ]

Whatever I needed[ whatever I needed ]

I'd still be the same to you

My heart would remain for you

I could travel to New York City

Dress in black and slump around the village

Pierce my flesh with jewels and needles

Turn my black hair white[ turn my black hair white ]

I could hang with the mod and the junkie

Sleep all day and run out of money

Put my faith in God or the Beatles

Turn my white thoughts red

I'd still be the same to you

My heart would remain for you

For you

For you

For you

I could travel to New York City

[ 8x ]

For you, for you...

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