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Big Lie

de Rik Emmett / pe Absolutely / an 2004


Pick up up my guitar and lay the message down

About the crazy kind of things that make the world go around

Like the money, the power, the Glory on High

Everybody's living with the big, big lie


The Profiteering Corporation's Party Line

Says, "Trust in us people, everything will be fine."

But that's a big lie

Baby, that's a big lie

The disappearing forests should be no cause for alarm

The "Greenhouse Effect" won't do us any harm

It's all a big lie

They're selling us a big lie

It's the age old game of supply and demand

We're eating up the planet just as fast as we can

And it's a big lie

Getting bigger all the time

It's a big lie

Yeah the truth is hard to find

In the big lie

Ooo, Yeah

It's a big, big... big, big... big, big lie

Such a big, big lie

Taxes going up... Like a hot air balloon

The rich keep getting richer while the poor keep getting screwed

In the big lie

Welcome to the big lie

The politics and power out of reach and out of touch

And all their fancy talking... never did account for much

In the big lie

Only in the big, big lie

The deficit grows like Pinocchio's nose

While we gaze in admiration at the Emperor's new clothes

It's a big lie

Getting bigger all the time

It's a big lie

The truth is hard to find

In the big lie

Ooo, Yeah

Big, big... big, big... big, big lie


Old Time religion on the TV everyday

Selling tickets to heaven in the fundamental way

The media tells it like it is... without a doubt

But for a rating point or two

They'll sell you short, then sell you out

Broadway to Hollywood it's on with the show

But it's the burned out myth of sex and drugs and Rock 'n' Roll

The cheque is in the mail and God is on our side

Don't worry... be happy


Yeah yeah yeah... wooohooo

No matter how you slice it, it's always the same

The big lie seems to be the name of the game

And you can play it if you want to but you get what you deserve

I guess it just depends upon which master you serve

Does my song ring true, well you get to decide

Or is it just another chapter

In the big, big... big, big... big, big... big, big... big, big... big, big...

Ah come on help me out here

(Crowd Voices)

Big, big... big, big... big

Big, big... big, big... big

(Rik alone)

Big, big lie

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