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de Rocket Summer / an -


Since a kid I always loved to sing.

I told my teachers, "that's what I want to be."

And this road I'm on, as sketchy it may be

Brings chances to beat the odds the devils has for


And I'm never gonna miss a beat, because brother I'm a


No I'm never gonna miss a beat, because I got to be a


And in heaven maybe he is smiling down on me.

But behind the doors of my heart I am crying...

Epic warfare. It's spiritual.

When out of nowhere come the black cannon balls.

Today we broke down and caught wind of a tragedy in the

Same hour.

But tonight I, I won't sing about this...

Because I'm never gonna miss a beat, cuz brother I'm a


No I'm never gonna miss a beat, because the Lord made

Me a soldier.

And in heaven maybe he is smiling down on me.

But behind the doors of my heart I am crying.

Today, behind the doors of my heart...

And in the end

The life we lead

It will have made a difference in a world unseen.

So we're never gonna miss a beat, because brother we

Are soldiers.

No we're never gonna miss a beat, because we got to be


And in heaven maybe he is smiling down on me.

But behind those doors of my heart I am crying.

If I said it was easy always I'd be lying.

Today behind those doors of my heart I am crying.

If I said it was easy always I'd be lying.

But behind the doors of my heart...

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