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Won't Back Down

de Ryan Holliday / pe Train EP / an -0001


And I won't back down

And I won't turn around and around

And I won't back down

Doesn't matter what comes crashing down

I'm still gonna stand my solid ground

You woke the morning up

Running off my darkest night

The longest fight I've seen

Here goes a chance I know

Cashing in on all my chips

Let all my ships come fly

And these days

A little bit longer than the last

And your ways

A little bit stronger than the past

And your light

Found my bottle in the night

You gave me second life

And kept me in this fight

And I won't back down

And I won't turn around and around

And I won't back down

Doesn't matter what comes crashing down

I'm still gonna stand my solid ground

You found me once and for all

I laid it down in the sinking ground

The hopeless undertow

Singing out the gentle sound

Rattling through my smokin' screens

My broken dreams last night

And these days

A little bit longer than the last

And your ways

A little bit stronger than the past

And your light

Found my bottle in the night

You kept me in this fight

And you gave me second life

And I won't back down

And I won't turn around and around

And I won't back down

Doesn't matter what comes crashing down

I'm still gonna stand my solid ground

I sing Hallelujah

It'll rip through my veins

I heard the hammer drop

My blood in the rain


He came like a train

When all is lost

All is left to gain

And I won't back down

And I won't turn around and around

And I won't back down

Doesn't matter what comes crashing down

I'm still gonna stand my solid---

Won't back down

And I won't turn around and around

And I won't back down

Doesn't matter what comes crashing down

I'm still gonna stand my solid ground

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