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de Safety in Numbers / an -


Cut me down if you want to.

Stick around.

Stab my heart and break my crown.

This mass fire consumed me.

You're on the ground.

Stumbling on the way back down.

And I bleed for you sometimes.

Whenever you're away.

And I bleed for you sometimes.

Whenever you're away.

Cut me down if you want to.

I'll stick around.

Stab my heart and break my crown.

This mass fire consumed me.

You're on the ground.

Stumbling on the way back down.

And I bleed for you sometimes.

Whenever you're away.

And I bleed for you sometimes.

Whenever you're away.

(You take, you take, you take what's left of me).

And I bleed for you sometimes.

Whenever you're away.

(You take, you take, you take what's left of me).

And I bleed for you sometimes.

Whenever you're away.

(You take, you take, you take what's left of me).

And I bleed for you sometimes.

Whenever you're away.

(You take, you take, you take what's left of me).

And I bleed for you sometimes.

Whenever you're away.

(You take, you take, you take what's left of me).

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