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Lightning Strikes Twice


Crazy superstitions on my mind

Could they help me get you back for good?

Such a striking combination's gone away

Could I save it if I knock on wood?

Did I have a chance and fail to keep it?

Lose my dream and let it slip away?

Will my destiny remain a secret?

Well that's okay

Everyone should have a reason to believe

So I still believe

That lightning could strike twice for me

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Everytime I find a feeling's gonna be

Suddenly I see

That lightning could strike twice for me

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Sitting down to read the stars again, maybe they can tell me what's in store

Now I'm mixing up a magic potion that's gonna get you banging on my door

Did I have a chance and fail to keep it?

Lose my dream and let it slip away?

Will my destiny remain a secret?

Well that's okay

Everyone should have a reason to believe

So I still believe,

That lightning could strike twice for me

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Everytime I find a feeling's gonna be

Suddenly I see

That lightning could strike twice for me

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

And I'm working on a silent song

Oh baby, oh baby

Got a feeling that it won't be long

Oh baby oh baby

Well don't you know that

Everyone should have a reason to believe

So I still believe,

That lightning could strike twice for me

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Every time I find the feeling's gonna be

Suddenly I see

That Lighning could strike twice for me

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

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