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Little Pigeon


Come on little pigeon

I'm your midnight friend

You got me chained up (?)

And a?

I flipped my lid

Let's fly out of the coop

Let's go little pigeon

Gonna swoop the loop (?)

Come on little pigeon

Give me love, love, love

We'll be close like a couple of doves

Come on little pigeon, fly away with me

Come on little pigeon, fly away with me

I'm all rocked up from the juke box beat

I love the way you scuffle your pretty little feet

Let's take off now

Let's fly out the coop

Let's go little pigeon

Gonna swoop the loop (?)

Come on little pigeon

Give me love, love, love

We'll be close like a couple of doves

Come on little pigeon, fly away with me

Come on little pigeon, fly away with me

I'm all in a spin'

Eww, I'm outa control

All she'd up (?)

And I'm ready to roll

I got?

Let's fly that coop

Let's go little pigeon

Gonna swoop the loop (?)

Come on little pigeon

Give me love, love, love

We'll be close like a couple of doves

Come on little pigeon, fly away with me

Come on little pigeon, fly away with me

Fly away with me

Fly away with me

Fly away with me

Fly away with me


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