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Troubled Soul

de Sam Brown / an -


Betrayed by apathy most every day

with grey skies time and time again

the colour drains the darkest shadows pale

my eyes cloud over once again

a simple answer that I've never found

some peace of mind to have or hold

a simple answer is it ever found

and do we really want to know

it's just a troubled soul

And as I pace across my bedroom floor

I have a thought I feel a pain

but that's forgotten in a moment

my eyes cloud once again

the skies cloud once again

a simple answer that I've never found

some peace of mind to have or hold

a simple answer is it ever found

and do we really want to know

it's just a troubled soul

winter in a troubled soul

Betrayed by apathy most every day

with grey skies time and time again

but I won't breathe a word for of rain

my eyes cloud once again

the skies cloud once again


Dans la nuit

argentee de l'ete

je laisserai

une etoile filer

nous aurons l'eternite des temps a'contempler

l'univers pour nous envoler

Timeless space

endless night

happiness and we will fly

you and I

Et mon ame

loin du feu loin des flammes

flottera doucement

dans les cieux

nous aurons l'eternite des temps a'contempler

l'univers pour nous envoler

Timeless space

endless night

happiness and we will fly

you and I

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