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Necronomicon Ex-Mortis

de SET TO STUN / pe Dreamcatchers EP / an -0001


Necronomicon Ex-Mortis by SET TO STUN

Welcome! Welcome!

To the end of our story

Will heroes be met with death or with glory?

Nobody knows, I do suppose,

We'll just have to wait and see!

Well damn this house and all it's voices

Rat-infested, headless corpses

How much further can we bend

Before we all eventually break?

When I told her I loved her

My heart can't take this pain anymore

But I'll never surrender, my love,

Just remember the man that I was

It's just like you to shut your eyes

And run your fuckin' mouth!

Quite talkin' shit about something

That you know nothing about!

It's never been about unity

It's always been about

You versus me!

I bear this crown of thorns

As a constant reminder

Of all the sins that I'm going to pay for

And I'm too young to die


But she's the only thing that make me feel human

If I believe in anything then I believe that we'll make it through


And on my last breath I'd die to defend her

When it comes down to it would she have done the same for you?

They're all going to laugh at you

And I'll be laughing when they do!

Cause I know heartache and I know pain

And it's written on your face every single day

So when the Boogiemen come to take you away

Don't fuckin' blame me

Don't fuckin blame me!

Oh! You had me at "Hello"

And I swear I'll never let you go

When your broken body falls

I'll catch you.

Cause I don't know if I can bear

One more lonely night in there!

So stay with me! Stay with me!

Baby please don't fall asleep

Can anybody help me?

Can anybody hear me?

Am I all on my own?

Someone back me up!

"We got your back now!

Grab your guns and raise some hell!"

Oh am I glad to hear your voice...



Boy it feels good to be back with the boys...

Sometimes I wake up in the night crying out your name

The pillowcases bear witness to my pain

And once again I'm all on my own

God, if you can hear me send my Anne-Marie back home

(Oh my god, Anne-marie come back home! )

(Home now)

I'll never leave you again!

Put and end to your phobias, for tonight,


And when they come for me

Let it be known that I surrendered willingly

I'm not coming home tonight boy

Don't hold your breath till the morning comes

Mirror! Mirror! On the wall!

I feel so powerless and empty

Exhausted but I can't sleep

Cause I know everybody's out to get me

The only man I fear

Is looking in the mirror

And his anatomy's primarily composed of:

Unadultered hatred!

Serpentine, snake-line tongue!

Convoluted! Undisputed!

Devil at the back door, death is at the front

And in my final hours, a simple question:

Will death be my demise or my redemption?

And as we stand here, on the brink of an abyss

Staring straight into the depths of Hell,

I ask you old friend

Stand with me one last time

And raise up the fuckin' colors high

We're going to war

Motherfucker! Stand up! Stand up and fight!

(Raise up the colors, This is my color)

Show me you're the man that you claim to be tonight

I'm sending you back to Hell

Never again will I fall subject to the leniency of my heart!

Death to the Blessed, and hail to the Accursed

I believe in Anne-Marie Worth

I want to cover the world in ashes

I want to fill your mouth with dirt

And with the last breath that you gasp in

I want to bury you alive in the earth!

So my son, when the Deadmen come

Just remember where you've come from

Never have and never will bow to no one

I won't stand here pretending I'm not afraid

I'm scared to death but I never had the option to run away

With my guns drawn, march onto the background

And don't look back on all the wrong I've done

You fucked up son!

Look what you've done!

You brought the knife

And I brought the gun!

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