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Buggy Bug

de Shonen Knife / pe Strawberry Sound / an 2000


Piggy shaggy piggy shaggy buggy bug
Piggy shaggy piggy shaggy buggy bug
Piggy shaggy piggy shaggy buggy bug
Piggy shaggy piggy shaggy buggy bug
I killed a bug today 'cos it came in my room
I killed a bug today 'cos it was a harmful bug
I killed a bug today 'cos I hated the color of the bug
I killed a bug today but I didn't wanna kill it at all

When I found a bug in my room
I got some tissue paper and smushed it
The sun was blazing down outside
Everything nearly melted like butter, ah

I killed a bug today 'cos it ate my chocolate bar
I killed a bug today 'cos it stung my body
I killed a bug today 'cos I hated the color of the bug
I killed a bug today but I didn't wanna kill it at all

When I found a bug in my room
I got some tissue paper and smushed it
The sun was blazing down outside
Everything nearly melted like butter, ah

Piggy shaggy piggy shaggy buggy bug
Piggy shaggy piggy shaggy buggy bug
Piggy shaggy piggy shaggy buggy bug
Piggy shaggy piggy shaggy buggy bug

Piggy shaggy piggy shaggy buggy bug
Piggy shaggy piggy shaggy buggy bug
Piggy shaggy piggy shaggy buggy bug
Piggy shaggy piggy shaggy buggy bug

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