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Worth It?

de Sienna Skies / pe Truest Of Colours / an -0001


Sometimes we like to act with our actions before words

With something to fight against


But in the end we have to ask

Was it something to fight against?


Sometimes you see the light

You see straight through the fight and you know what's right

(And you know what's right)

But then again sometimes it's always dark and then we have to ask

"Was it really worth it?"

And every time we fight for what's wrong and right

We have to open up our eyes and see what's really worth it

And every time we die for something that we fight

Why do we live and lie for something really worth it?

Is it really worth it?

Only time will tell if we made the choice if this was worth it?

And then the lies will show that this all was right

And we were left to fight

And every time we fight for what's wrong and right

We have to open up our eyes and see what's really worth it

And every time we die for something that we fight

Why do we live and lie for something really worth it?

And every time we fight for what's wrong and right

We have to open up our eyes and see what's really worth it

And every time we die for something that we fight

Why do we live and lie for something really worth it?

Take my hand and we will fight for something

We will make sure it worth something

Will You stand by

By my side?

Will We Fight?

We will fight!

We will fight forever if we believe this is worth it

Will we fight?

(If we believe)

We will fight

(This is worth it)

We will have no regrets

Have no regrets

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