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de Silent Season / pe Breaking Me Down / an -0001


I can feel the storm

Awaiting at my door

It's time to let go or give in

Cause every choice I made

Is the same mistake

I know (I know)

It's all (It's all)

For something

Every chance I get

Fades away

I'll keep moving on

Tomorrows a new day

Don't let it slip away

Cause dreams aren't

Made for nothing

Just think take your time

In your final fight

That live was always worth living

Every chance I get

Fades away

I'll keep moving on

Every chance that I get

I always make a change

And Stay Strong

I know the feeling of being lost

This time I'll turn around and I wont

Stop! Again!

I'll never let it win

Never let me

Stop! Again!

I'll never let it win

No I'm changing

Every chance I get

Fades away

I'll keep moving on

Every chance I get

Fades away

I'll keep moving on

Every chance that I get

I always make a change

And stay strong

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