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Time Bomb

de Simonna / an -


I see you through

I see you clearly

When you're (I see ) around

When you are near me

I know your every doubt

I know your every fear

My dear

You seem relaxed

You seem so cool

Everybody loves

This dance you do

Your pop-rock-punk-funk ballet

Like there's nothing your way


You're living on a time bomb

You're mind is like a time bomb

A five megaton

Load of emotion

Let it out

You're living on a time bomb

You're mind is like a time bomb

With potential to

Put rage into motion

Gotta do something quick

Tick tick tick tick!


You're nice and calm

Don't cause a fuss

But on the inside

You're dangerous.

Boys don't cry

Boys just work

You won't complain

Even when you're hurt

Even when you're feeling sad

And need me to clear your head


You take your pose

You fake your smile

So reserved

So in denial

You more look like a doll

Who are you after all?

Do you know?

You're living on a time bomb

You're mind is like a time bomb

A five megaton

Load of emotion

Let it out

You're living on a time bomb

You're mind is like a time bomb

With potential to

Put rage into motion

Gotta do something quick

Tick tick tick tick!

Night begins to fall and then

You wish you were a child again

You wish you didn't leave your home

And set yourself on a time bomb

You're living on a time bomb

You're mind is like a time bomb

A five megaton

Load of emotion

Let it out

You're living on a time bomb

You're mind is like a time bomb

With potential to

Put rage into motion

Gotta do something quick

Tick tick tick tick! 2k.

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introduceti linkul youtube aici:
introduceti codul din poza alaturata
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