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Van Nuys


I don't want to die

Out here in the valley

Waiting for my luck to change

And I just want my dad to know

That I finally made it

Everybody gets high

Everybody gets low

Everybody gets bruised

Everybody gets slow

I don't wanna die,

Out here in the valley

You don't have to lie

I know that's what I'll do

I don't want my mom to know

That I never loved my life

And I sold my soul

Everybody gets high

Everybody gets low

Everybody gets bruised

Everybody gets sold

Everybody gets dark

Everybody unfolds

Everybody gets high

Everybody gets so low

And everyone's eyes are blue

And everyone's mouth is dry

And nobody wants to die in Van Nuys, Van Nuys

Everybody gets high

Everybody gets low

Everybody gets bruised

Everybody gets slow

Well you don't know how to get back to your crawl space

Underneath the dirt and the rust and the waste

But the sun sets fast these days.

Everyone's eyes are blue

And everyone's mouth is dry

And nobody wants to die in Van Nuys, Van Nuys

Everyone's eyes are blue

And everyone's mouth is dry

And nobody wants to die in Van Nuys, Van Nuys

Everyone's eyes are blue

And everyone's mouth is dry

And nobody wants to die in Van Nuys,

Ohhhh everyone's eyes are blue

And everyone's mouth is dry

And nobody wants to die in Van Nuys, Van Nuys

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